Australia's core competition law provisions can be found in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. This site provides information and resources relevant to the scope and application of Australia’s competition laws.*
Australian competition law news
current news blog | news archives
Treasury Laws Amendment (Mergers and Acquisitions Reform) Bill 2024 passes Senate - now passed both houses
Treasury Laws Amendment (Mergers and Acquisitions Reform) Bill 2024 into the Australian Parliament
ACCC proposes denying authorisation on basis that code would no longer produce public benefits that would outweigh public detriment.
DP-REG releases working paper 3 - Examination of technology - Multimodal Foundation Models
Professors Byrne, Kemp and Menezes appointed part time members of the Australian Competition Tribunal
“The ACCC will revisit potential competition and consumer issues arising in the supply of general search services in Australia. “
The ACCC has published an issues paper outlining topics that the supermarkets inquiry will explore. Submissions invited.
Recent judgments
Recent additions to the reading room
The Digital Platform Regulators Forum, 'Examination of technology –Multimodal Foundation Models' (Working Paper 3, 19 August 2024)
Brent Fisse, ‘Australian Cartel Law: Recent Developments – First Set of Two Sets’ (2023) 51(2) Australian Business Law Review 70
Diana Biscoe, Rosie Finlayson, Andrew Christopher, ‘Pay-for-delay Arrangements in the Pharmaceutical Industry: How Will They Be Treated under Australian Competition Law?’ (2023) 31(2) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 111
Russell Miller AM, ‘Reflections: A Tougher Merger Law for Australia’ (2023) 31(2) Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law 155
Rhonda Smith, Deborah Healey and Xue Bai, ‘Competitive Neutrality: OECD Recommendations and the Australian Experience’ (June 2023) 19(2) Journal of Competition Law & Economics 250-276
Julie Clarke, ‘Proof of Purpose’ (Competition Law Conference, Sydney, 6 May 2023)
Key reports
Supermarket sector inquiry (2024-2025)
Senate Standing Committee on Economics (2022-2023)
Competition Policy Review (2023-2025)
Digital platform services inquiry (2020-2025)
Digital Platforms Inquiry (2017-2019)
Please note: this site is in development. It will replace the site previously hosted at australiancompetitionlaw.org. As I transition to the new site many of the links will continue to direct to pages within the old site.
Update: as of Sept 2024 life has intervened to throw me behind in relation to several updates - hope to be back on track by October 2024