What is the relationship between privacy and competition?

What is the relationship between privacy and competition? A conversation with Commissioner Noah Phillips

Noah Phillips, Federal Trade Commission
Our Curious Amalgam (ABA), 10 August 2020 (45 minutes)
Hosted by John Roberti, Allen & Overy and Sergei Zaslavsky, O’Melveny & Myers

‘Privacy and competition both have been hot subjects, especially when discussing the new digital economy. But will the two doctrines inevitably converge, or are they in fundamental tension with each other? FTC Commissioner Noah Phillips joins Sergei Zaslavsky and John Roberti to discuss this timely subject and share his views on when privacy should (and should not) play a role in antitrust analysis. Listen to this episode for Commissioner Phillips’ take on privacy considerations in merger review, differences between privacy and price competition, federal privacy legislation, and more.’


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